Friday, December 28, 2007

Gardening Landscape Idea

Gardening Landscape - Give Shape To Your Budding Gardening Landscape Ideas! 
By Abhishek 
We will discuss a few gardening landscape ideas in this article and will discuss how the feasibility of certain ideas can be ascertained.

Gardening Landscape Idea - Ah that would look beautiful!

Many times we're so overflowing with myriad fantastic ideas for our garden that we would just want to go ahead and get on with the spadework right away. However, the common sense says that it may not be a very good option without doing ample research and investigation. 

In our minds, we always see our gardens as perfection personified. All the plants are arranged in the most aesthetic manner, the entire garden is weed free, no leaves are there on the walkways, the entrance way to the drive area looks just perfect, the unused yard has immense possibilities, the offices' patio looks most appropriately designed etc. etc. However, the truth is that there is always more than what meets the eye. The journey from ideation to realization requires good planning, research and dedication. 

An Expensive Proposition

Your thoughts may venture into the possibility of the perfect brick walkway leading to a heavenly flower lined pond that is fed by immaculately sparkling natural waterfalls. You come back home from a long day at work and release all the tensions by unwinding in the natures' arms. Paradise replicated! At this point the reality sets in and shows the mirror. All this, though very much possible in thoughts can cost you a fortune to get implemented in real life. 

Research Work

To give practical shape to any gardening landscape idea, it must be well researched keeping in mind the budget constraints. There are several different ways to landscape and equal number of distinct means to evaluate your ideas. In the end, you may only be required to make minor adjustments to get the ball rolling. The various means to research your gardening landscape ideas are discussed as follows:

-There are hundreds of landscaping books available in the market with comprehensive illustrations and maps.

-It is best to go inline and look for websites that have research material on various gardening landscape ideas. Some of these websites may also have a cost calculator to help you operate within the financial constraints.

-You can go around and look for gardening and landscaping magazines that usually have many useful articles in them.

-A drive around your neighborhood can throw up a few surprises. You may notice someone else has already implemented your ideas quite successfully. 

-Almost all the local gardening stores have professionals on their rolls who can assist you for a small fee.


Once you are done with thorough research and analysis, your landscape gardening idea will either float without any hitches or will have to be amended in a few places. It is always recommended to scale back a project rather than dropping it altogether. If you feel strongly that your idea is worth pursuing, the next step in line is costing.

We all like to see the pictures taking shape in real life, however, if not researched well, the landscape gardening ideas can easily fritter out of permissible budgets. If your research indicates that the limited funds may not allow the idea to take shape, you mustn't loose heart. There are several alternatives you can consider to achieve the same effect as the original ideas. 

For example, a black liner pond can be as appealing as cement lined at a cost almost the half the formers', a well-decorated gravel path can be a good replacement for an expensive brick sidewalk and to save on cost, you can also consider delegating a part of work to contractors. There are unlimited options available, so go ahead and get the ball rolling!

It's achievable

Any landscape gardening idea worth an enthusiastic gardeners effort is worth pursuing. Researching the idea well, keeping within the budgeted constraints and being available for alternatives can turn any idea into reality in no time! 

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Gardening Tips - 6 Helpful Gardening Tips For An Enchanting Garden!

Gardening Tips - 6 Helpful Gardening Tips For An Enchanting Garden! 
By Abhishek 
A number of the finest gardening hints center on not only on the growing of plants but also on the right mix of garden plants to enhance greatly the look of the landscape. Changing the appearance of your garden is not only affordable, but in fact, it comes to you free. Gardening hints for getting the maximum out of your garden area consist of:

1. Place large plants to the rear and middle of the landscape. It gives depth to the gardens and makes them appear larger, even though they may be miniature terrace or small patch gardens.

2. Perennial plants should be used to form the basis of your garden layout. A couple of big perennial plants helps retain the garden shape and does away with the need to redo the landscaping each year. Luxuriant perennials are favored for the verdant color and their lovely flowers. 

Leaves of a dark green color present a rich appearance to the garden while leaves of multicolor or of pale green shade lend a tropical or stunning impression. The best gardening hints would be to compare excerpts or articles of perennial plants with neighbors to develop your garden without the need to buy plants.

3. Plants that bloom every year should be placed in the front and all around the garden border. These annuals have the most brilliant flowers that bloom for a longtime but they survive just one season. By placing them on the external face of the garden, the complete garden catches the eye, thus enhancing the garden size. The profuse and copious perennial undergrowth in the backdrop also aids in setting and exhibiting the annuals.

4. Arrange plants in clusters, instead of just single plants. A thicker set of plants in clusters creates a more alluring exhibit and prominently attracts attention to the flowers and display.

5. Monochromatic color shades should be attempted to bring about a stunning presentation. For imparting a dreamy, tender look to your garden, experiment with the concept of using a wide variety of white flowers. Reds and oranges convey an arresting look. The use of dark and brilliant flowers makes the garden look attractive while the use of white makes the garden seem big. 

6. A few plants are there that are mutually beneficial to each other when grown jointly. A large number of these plants also benefit other varieties by way of fending away insects and checking plant diseases. A few of the plants that profit from being grown together:

a. Regarding marigolds and roses, aphids are lured naturally by roses, and these feed on the flowers and leaves. By planting marigolds around the roses, they will keep at bay insects. 

b. Garlic, when grown in annual and perennial gardens, aids in warding off insects that feed on leaves.

c. Bee Balm is not only an herb but also a striking flower, and this plant draws hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies to the flower garden to assist with pollination. 

d. Dahlias hold off insects and enrich the soil with nitrogen.

By adhering to these helpful gardening hints and carefully selecting flowers that bloom well together for your garden, will ensure your garden is not infested with bugs and the need to use herbicide is not required. 

Article Source:

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Organic Rose Garden Remedies- Effective Solutions To Two Most Common Rose Garden Problems!

Organic Rose Garden Remedies- Effective Solutions To Two Most Common Rose Garden Problems! 
By Abhishek 
Deciding to switchover to organic rose gardening can put anyone in a dilemma over which products must be used to get maximum success. One option is that you buy over the counter products available at your nearest garden and lawn outlet, the other is that you whip up few home remedies to create your dream rose garden.

Please consider the following commonly used home remedies. With the help of these solutions, your affair with organic rose gardening will become an inexpensive and easy one. 

1. Getting around the problem of Aphids

A very regular problem faced by almost every rose gardener is the aphid attack. These are tiny, plump, pear shaped insects with a soft body and little tubes known as cornicles. Aphids are fond of younger plants and can be commonly seen feeding on leaves and shoots of the new plants. Aphids can be found on the undersides of the leaves and they usually feed in colonies. Once they have gained a stronghold, the leaves begin to curl around them. These small bugs can be fatal for your roses if left without any action. 

A lot of gardeners put their organic rose gardening dream to early death because of these small creatures forcing them to make use of pesticides. However, one should know that the aphid problem can be countered organically with two easy remedies.

Simple Soap Remedy

Two tablespoons of flakes of soap

Two liters of lukewarm water

Put soap flakes in water and treat the infested areas directly with this solution every five-seven days. You must go easy with the soap flakes as too much of it can cause burns to the leaves of plant. This remedy also takes care of the whiteflies and the spider mites.

Spray made of Garlic Oil

Cloves (minced garlic): 10 -15 nos.

Mineral Oil: 2 tablespoons 

Water: 600 millilitre

Dish Soap (Liquid): 1 tablespoon

Put Garlic into mineral oil for a period of 24 hours. Strain the garlic out of mineral oil and add 600 ml of water with 1 tablespoon of liquid soap. Mix all of these properly and spray it on your rose plants. As with Simple Soap Remedy, this also helps you get rid of whiteflies and spider mites.

2. Black Spot Remedy

Black spot is a type of fungus that often gives sleepless nights to many rose gardeners. This attacks only the roses and leaves unpleasant black spots on the rose plant leaves. Let's look at a home-made solution commonly used by many gardeners to get rid of black spots without employing fungicides.

Home Made Solution for Black Spots and Mildew

Baking Soda: 1 tablespoon

Water: 1 liter

Soap Flakes: 1 tablespoon

Put baking soda in a liter of warm water. Mix soap flakes to help the solution to cling to the leaves. Cut the infected leaves and follow it up with spraying the top and bottom of leftover leaf surfaces to check the disease.

Bringing up your rose garden in an organic way can be a very satisfying experience as it not only helps in nurturing beautiful roses, but is also an environment friendly method. Employ these easy tips to free your roses from the day-to-day garden infections. 

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Indoor Gardening Tools - Enjoy Your Gardening Experience With The Right Gardening Tools At Hand

Indoor Gardening Tools - Enjoy Your Gardening Experience With The Right Gardening Tools At Hand 
By Abhishek 
The purpose of this article is to assess the need for various indoor gardening tools.

Tools for indoor gardening are intended for carrying out gardening in compact holders.

Need For Indoor Gardening Tools

When one undertakes indoor gardening, he has to work on plants in little holders. The plants are put in trays or planters that occur in a range of sizes, and are raised indoors or inside a greenhouse. The dimensions of the plant holders indicate that specialized indoor gardening tools are needed. It is quite unthinkable to use a shovel that is five feet in length in your planter. 

You may not be aware of the multitude of indoor gardening tools that are on offer today. Neither could you have imagined that you would require a wide range of tools in order to effectively tend to your plants and ensure they blossom in profusion.

Challenges of Container Gardening

We tend to splurge on outdoor redesigning and do not have second thoughts on purchasing gardening tools for the upkeep of the garden. Container gardens too need proper attention and care and this necessitates that you should have suitable gardening tools. There are a number of different kinds of container gardens.

1. Plants grown in flowerpots

2. Aromatic plant gardens

3. Miniature gardens and Bonsai plants 

4. Hothouse plants grown in trays

5. Plant starters raised from seedlings for outdoor transfer

Container gardens can be used for leisure pursuits, ornamental, and business intentions. Looking after a container garden and maintaining it in a healthy condition is not a minor chore irrespective of the smallness of the garden. There are several trials to be encountered by the gardener and the tools for indoor gardening make the task less difficult.

Varied Needs

Hothouse and container gardening generally need diverse types of gardening tools. Most of the chores that you will carry out in your miniature garden are identical to the ones you perform in the garden outdoors. A few of these chores necessitates the use of indoor gardening tools that make up for the lack of the outdoor weather conditions like rain. You need to have a trowel, root separator, snippers or a pruning knife. 

In addition, you will need potting tools, stands for plants and grow lights. If you are planning to be absent from you home for some time, an automatic watering gadget may be required for your container. 

The use of special tools is needed for growing bonsai plants. Inside a hothouse, the gardening tools required are seedling trays, heat lamps and perhaps arranging ways for vines to thrive. There is an extensive range of indoor gardening tools to pick from and a prudent selection will go a long way in ensuring the easy care of your container garden. 

Inspired Ideas

The old order has given way to the new. New connotations are often attached to old expressions. Both businesses as well as individuals can benefit by adopting cost reduction measures through the wholesale buying of gardening tools. 

Also, you have the liberty to consider more options and let your imagination run free with the savings in hand. 
The additional money can go towards investing in the latest devices that previously did not suit your budget. Each day brings in a host of new devices into the market. Wholesale buying of garden tools is an intelligent decision, presenting you with the opportunity of owning the full collection of garden tools to undertake any gardening chore. 

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Herb Gardening - 10 Tips To Start Your Own Indoor Herb Garden

Herb Gardening - 10 Tips To Start Your Own Indoor Herb Garden 
By Abhishek 
Children belonging to all age groups can take up the absorbing pursuit of herb gardening, which is quite uncomplicated and requires very little effort to undertake. Youngsters as well as teenagers take pleasure in herb gardening. Being aware of the varied herb uses right through cooking history as well as in daily life practically gives as much pleasure as the joy that flows from seeing something grow from a tiny seedling.

Down the years, herb gardening has become a widely acknowledged activity. Nearly all kinds of common herbs can withstand both dry weather and disease. In addition, since herbs can be grown indoors at all times or require just a couple of weeks to develop outdoors, for kids an herb gardening assignment is just the right pursuit. Carefully choosing herbs with an agreeable fragrance like lavender or appetizing herbs added to food like pizza topped with basil, provide an extra dash of amusement to herb gardening. 

No more than a couple of essential and easily available things are needed to set you off on an herb gardening assignment together with your kid:

6 tubs or flowerpots with perforations at the base permitting kids to paint the containers gives an added element of fun, especially on a wet day) Herb saplings or seeds, which are easily accessible at the provisions store, via the Internet, or the local plant sales outlet. The most favored herb selections for kids are:







You will also require: 

Potting mix (nearly all commercial potting mixture is suitable for this form of gardening)

Plastic wrapper

Felt tip pens

Popsicle stick

Poster paints in primary colors (Optional)

10 tips to start your own indoor herb garden:

1.Top the flowerpot with the soil mixture.

2.Let kids disperse the herb seeds on the top of 
the soil, keeping a watchful eye that the seeds do not lie on top of each other.

3.Carefully deposit the soil above the herb seeds and gently push down. Ensure the seeds are not in excess or in shortage since not all the seeds will germinate.

4.Water with care to make certain the soil is not saturated. As is the case with other forms of gardening, excessive watering is not suitable for herb gardening. A good hint would be not to let the soil to become completely dry but to maintain it in a semi-dry condition.

5.Write down the herb name with a felt pen on the Popsicle stick and insert it into the planter.

6.To seal in the soil moisture, envelop the potted seeds with a plastic wrapper. Prevent mildew from forming by letting in fresh air every alternative day.

7.The flowerpot should be put near the window or on the window ledge, where sunlight is accessible.

8.The seeds will sprout in about two to six weeks, depending on the kind of herbs chosen.

9.When the seeds begin to sprout, remove the plastic cover.

10. Simply enjoy! Kids get immense pleasure in sniffing and sampling the outcome of herb gardening.

Beyond doubt, herb gardening is the best way to arouse and instill fondness and enthusiasm for herbal plants in kids. 

Article Source:

Getting Started In Container Gardening

Getting Started In Container Gardening 
By Bercle 
Commonly, the desire to have a garden of your own is hindered by some constraints such as living arrangement and limited space.If you are living in an apartment and you can not operate a full garden simply because you don't have enough space or yard. You can still do gardening and making use of container as better alternative which you can use. You can have your plants hanged in window, balcony, etc.- these can make your living area more nicer and fresher.

Aside from what is mentioned above, other benefit of container gardening is that you can move them in any place you want. If you are to rearrange your furniture to the position that you desire, there is nothing much complication because as long as the new area for your container plants are kissed by sunlight, they continue to survive. Other benefit is, you can put any type of soil that you desire, depending on your plants needs.

If you desire to make an impressive and sensible arrangement of your plants, you can have this done by adjusting their container's elevation; by hanging from the ceiling and or by putting any support. Hanging is the most effective way to maximize the space of your home. You can save space by doing it and you know how important is the space especially for apartment-based.

In addition to this, you have to put in your mind the idea that container gardening can push you to a bit of effort since plants in this set-up have to be watered more often than other set-up. However, container gardening set-up is more balanced in terms of water consumption than actual garden. It is also important that you do not over-water you plant because this can be fatal to their health.

When you choose containers for your plants, buy them all at once and in different shapes and the same style to complement each other. Plastic containers are ideal to use because these do not penetrate water, you can put them in earthen pots. You have to make some extra container in case there are some ruined during the planting.

Another essential thing to remember when buying a container is the size, make it appropriate to the kind of plant you intent to put in it. You must be careful on selecting the specific size which corresponds to what you desire to grow. I f you use the internet in searching for a plant you desire, be sure that you are able to acquire important information such as the specifications on space and size.

If the benefits of gardening in container presented above is appealing to you, get-up and start planning your container gardening today. Remember to list the specific plants you desire to put in and do a research needed to succeed in container gardening. 

Article Source:

Gardening Tips Faq - 5 Frequently Asked Gardening Questions Every Beginner Gardener Should Know!

Gardening Tips Faq - 5 Frequently Asked Gardening Questions Every Beginner Gardener Should Know! 
By Abhishek 
Gardens are the best places to unwind after a long day at work. Every one feels connected to nature while strolling past beautiful plants and the lovely flowers. Seeing fresh organic vegetables from your own farm, being served on the dining table can bring smile to any health-conscious person's face. Gardening once practiced becomes a way of life. 

However, as with life, gardening also involves lots of learning and hard work. Gardeners are normally very anxious people, always on the lookout for fresh tips and tricks to make their efforts more productive. 

Following are some useful questions and answers that will come handy if gardening is your favorite hobby: 

FAQ 1 - What's the normal life span of the vegetable seeds?

You can make your vegetable seeds last up to even five years if you put them in a dry, airtight container having a silica gel packet to prevent any moisture. 
This container should then be stored in a refrigerator. 

With the help of this method you can store tomato, sunflower, broccoli, radish and cabbage seeds for almost five years and the pumpkin, carrots and peas seeds for up to almost three years. It is advisable to not to store parsnip, onion, spinach and the corn seeds for a period exceeding one year.

FAQ 2: What's the ideal time of year to plant the bulbs?

This actually depends on the climate zone in which cultivation is being undertaken. The bulbs that normally flower in the spring season should be planted in the fall or late summer. In the same manner, the bulbs that flower in fall or summertime, should be planted during the springtime. 

FAQ 3: What should I be adding to the soil so as to optimize the roses performance?

You can use potassium rich banana peels to help your roses bloom with flying colors. You must place these peels around the base of your rose plant, right under the soil. These peels will break down with time and mix into the soil to provide roses with good potassium feed.

FAQ 4: Can I remove the foliage of the unattractive plants in my garden? These plants have spring or fall bulbs that have ceased to bloom.

No, you should wait until the time the foliage turns yellow, since this is the only medium of feeding the bulbs. It may normally take several weeks for the color transition to happen. Therefore, you can make use of annuls or the ornamental grass to cover them up.

FAQ 5: I don't like wearing gardening gloves and also hate the idea of struggling for hours to remove soil from the hands. What's the way out?

You can make use of a thin sock, nylon stockings or an old sock to come to your rescue. Put a soap bar inside whatever you may choose from the above and keep this set besides your waterspout or the tap for quick access. While the soap forms the lather and cleans up, the socks or stockings do the job of scrubber to get rid of the stubborn dirt. 

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