Friday, January 25, 2008

Gardening Supplies - 4 Ways To Get Wholesale Gardening Supplies At Great Prices!

Gardening Supplies - 4 Ways To Get Wholesale Gardening Supplies At Great Prices! 
By Abhishek 
In order to purchase gardening supplies wholesale, one generally has to run a business and possess a valid license such as a reseller's or a nursery license. Characteristically, the wholesaler does not directly sell to customers and quotes low prices principally for people who run a business. However, gardening supplies are available in the market with prices nearly matching that of the wholesale ones. 

1. Consider Entering Into Business

If you wish to start your own business then you should verify that the business is feasible and that you justify wholesale prices. One way of accomplishing this is by studying the wholesalers' yellow pages or interacting with many other businesses to get to know where a decent supplier, who sells wholesale gardening supplies, can be located. You should be ready to provide them with your reseller's phone number or confirm you are indeed a businessperson. 

2. Get A Great Deal Without Entering Into Business

In this case, try to find places that deal with wholesale goods in substantial quantities, meant for the common person. For example, in Florida, there are vast nurseries, and when you purchase gardening supplies in large quantities, you can get the benefit of relatively reduced prices. Therefore, if you do not reside in Florida, but require gardening supplies at wholesale prices, making a short visit to Florida would be in your best interests if you are aware you would be saving on costs by taking advantage of wholesale prices for garden supplies.

3. Cultivate Your Wholesale Plants

It would be quite wonderful if we are able to source gardening supplies wholesale by paying almost nothing. We certainly can. This is called rooting cuttings. Just step outside and acquire a small cluster of cuttings from your friends, associates, or firms, and root these cuttings in the garden, nurturing them carefully, until they grow in size. In this way, you have raised your wholesale plant in your garden from just a tiny rooting. Apparently, gardening supplies wholesale would comprise of growing kits, misters, and rooting compounds. In this way, with a bit of physical exertion involved, you can cultivate a diverse range of plants. 

4. Enlisting In A Wholesale Club

One way of obtaining wholesale prices without going into business is by enlisting in a wholesale club. When registering, a membership fee has to be paid, and the range of gardening supplies available may be restricted, but the price is not far off the wholesale mark. In case you are not very demanding and fussy about the kind of gardening supplies wholesale that you require, then the wholesale club can present you with some great deals.

Consequently, when considering gardening supplies wholesale, do not always take for granted that unless you run a business, you will not be able to obtain decent prices. If the price is the deciding factor, then you should not be very particular and choosy, and drop in at places that offer the best bargains. On the other hand, if you wish to go in for specialization and stock an extensive range of wholesale gardening products, then consider establishing your own firm, and thus benefit from the wholesale phenomenon. 

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Flower Gardening In Containers - All That You Should Know!

Flower Gardening In Containers - All That You Should Know! 
By Abhishek 
There are many questions that need to be addressed before you start on with your practice of flower gardening in containers. Few of those questions are as follows:

-What size of container do you have in mind? Would you prefer planting several different flowers in one large pot or you would like to use small containers for planting various flowers?

-Are you open to the idea of few hanging plants besides the stationary containers?

-Would you like to keep a provision for rearrangement in your container garden in case its looks start getting boring after a certain period of time?

-What's purpose is your endeavor of container gardening serving?

-What type of visual appeal are you planning to give to your container garden?

-Will it be mini plants or large plants in your container garden?

Though, given the right conditions and care, almost any plant can be grown in a container, however, if you are planning to have mixed plants in your container garden, there are several important points that need consideration. For example, the strawberry plants are usually not very competent when it comes to extracting nutrients and water from the soil. Therefore, planting them with an aggressive plant can result in strawberries being deprived of all the necessary nutrients required for their growth. Thus, it will be better if a small study can be done beforehand to find out the plants that possess similar characteristics and can be planted together for equal growth opportunity.

While its feasible to grow any flower plant in a container, you will still need to provide it with necessary ingredients like water, light, soil and nutrients. You may even be required to employ a grow light (can be purchased at the local gardening store) for flowers needing full sunlight. The flowers that can survive even with indirect sunlight will fare well even near the window space. You must also be cautious that you don't use the normal garden soil for container gardening as it will transform into compact-hard type after some time, resulting in cramped roots.

It's better to use enhanced solutions like sterilized potting mix, soil-less potting mixtures or the prepared potting soil that can be bought at any nursery in your vicinity. In case you prefer adding some organic matter to the enhanced soil, you can use peat moss. Some specific plants like African violets and orchids demand special types of potting mixtures. All such requirements must not come as a surprise, thus, you must keep yourself updated and aware of all the needs of the plants in your container garden.

Even though you may be all geared up to create the best possible container garden right now, please remember, it's not possible to maintain such high enthusiasm levels throughout the journey. Hence, you must carefully plan out the plants you will grow depending on your availability and effort that you will be able to spare. Plants like African violets are relatively easier to grow as compared to exotic breeds like bird of paradise that requires great attention.

Once you have figured out the plants that you will be growing in your containers, it's time to start thinking about the designs and placements. Let your imagination take over at this point and indulge in whichever way to enhance the visual appeal of your garden. You can either consider clustering up the containers together or placing them away from each other at strategic locations. You can also think about lining them up neatly on wooden benches or adorn your bland looking stairway. Nothing looks beautiful than cute looking small containers with beautiful flowers in them giving you company while you climb the stairs. Window boxes can even be employed to brighten up the windowpanes.

Coming now to the actual planting procedure, you must start by placing some chipped wood or rocks at the containers' base. This is a better drainage solution as compared to holes that may lead to soil loss. Now start filling up the container slowly with your soil mixture (containing organic matter) and the beneficial fertilizer. Don't go on filling till the top as yet and stop at the level where you'd like your plants roots to settle. Place the plants root ball on the soil and start filling up rest of the container with soil up till one inch from the top. Once done, put plenty of water into the container immediately. In order to prevent the soil from drying up, you can also add dried moss or pebbles around the plants' base. 

Plants that are most optimum for growth in containers are some tender perennials and non-hardy ones like coleus, delicate bulbs, lantana and asters. Annuals are also a wonderful option for container gardens as they bloom in no time and can endure even winter conditions.

The container gardens, though relatively easy to create, need good maintenance. They require constant watering as the soil in the containers dries out swiftly as it is fast-draining and lighter in nature. Plants in the container will also require all necessary nutrients to grow naturally like their counterparts planted on the ground. If taken care of well, your container gardens can liven up your living room and keep your spirits always high. 

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Indoor Water Gardening - How To Set Up Your Own Indoor Water Garden The Easy Way!

Indoor Water Gardening - How To Set Up Your Own Indoor Water Garden The Easy Way! 
By Abhishek 
Setting up a water gardening venture indoors is not as complicated as it seems. What takes the cake is that an indoors water gardening venture involves far less effort when compared to a water garden outdoors. Establishing a water garden indoors is very simple. In order to generate the right environs for a water garden indoors you require space for the pool (if you are desirous of making it on a large-scale) or a holder. The selection of the plant holder is your personal decision. Let your imagination run free.

Next, you have the option of selecting a commercial kit for water gardening indoors. These are much in demand and include practically everything you require for establishing a fabulous water garden indoors. A few of the kits are relatively inexpensive but provide a remarkable range of holders like ceramic bowls and wooden kegs. You can also go in for strikingly singular items for your water garden. This enables you to lend your inimitable taste and persona to the venture. It is quite affordable to start a water garden indoors because everything is small and compact. 

Apart from the dimensions of the water supply, a water garden inside the house is identical to the one outside. There are a broad range of water fountains, with some a couple of feet broad and high, that are particularly created for use inside. A few are quite elaborately designed, reproducing waterfalls, while others streaming over tiered steps, occurring in sizes of eight inches by five inches. Certain producers incorporate outdoor sounds into their products like that of forests, bird cries, ocean sounds, and cheerful rivulets.

As in the case with an open-air water garden, aquatic fish can also be put into a water garden located indoors. You have an extensive range of aquatic plants to pick from, and you can spend hours trying to settle on the one you truly like. It is possible to check the reproduction of mosquitoes in the water garden by using a water pump. Since mosquitoes usually breed in still water, the movement of water by the use of a pump will, to some extent, solve the problem. 

A water garden indoors apart from being eye-catching is a terrific means of amusement and recreation for all. From time immemorial, water has always had a captivating effect on society and hence it does not come as a bolt from the blue that most people like having this fascinating piece of nature indoors with them. Internal water gardens are often used to create the right ambience in aromatherapy or in massage parlors. 

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Vegetable Gardening - 5 Tips For A Perfect Vegetable Garden! By Abhishek

Vegetable Gardening - 5 Tips For A Perfect Vegetable Garden! 
By Abhishek 
There are no second opinions about the fact that vegetable gardening is a much more satisfying experience than any other form of gardening. This is more so because one gets the opportunity to relish the dishes made out of ones own produce. However, vegetable gardening is also not as easy as other types of gardening and one needs to plan well in advance, even before starting tilling the ground for the seeding purpose. 

1. One important factor that needs consideration while planning is the climatic conditions. There are some vegetables that can be cultivated only in a certain type of climate and season. For example, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and broccoli can only be grown in cold areas, whereas, peppers, eggplants and tomatoes grow better in hot and sunny weather. 

2. Another gardening tip that can be effectively used is that there are certain kinds of vegetables that do very well if exposed partially to sunlight. For example, lettuce is a plant that grows fantastically when exposed to sunlight for half a day and then kept in shade for the remaining half. One should plan the placement of ones vegetables in the garden keeping such factors in mind. Other vegetables that grow very well under partial exposure to sunlight are carrots, spinach, cauliflower, cucumbers, Swiss chard, radishes and beets.

3. Is your garden located in a region that either has a very long growth season or a very short one. Based on its weather conditions, a garden can be cultivated with the help of the following gardening tip. Gardens with long growth season are apt for growing vegetables like tomatoes, beans (lima, soy and dry), artichokes, celery, peppers, potatoes, asparagus, rhubarb, eggplant, onions, kale and leeks. Whereas, the gardens located in short growth areas must have vegetables like beets, cabbage, carrots, turnips, beans, peas, radishes, peas, mustard greens, onions and lettuce. 

4. The next significant gardening tip is based on your level of expertise as a gardener. If you are a beginner, you will do much better by growing vegetables like beans (dry and green), potatoes, squash (summer and winter), radishes, tomatoes, beets, salad greens, beets, sunflowers, lettuce, Swiss chard and any other root crop, that don't offer great challenges and put you off in no time. In case you are a seasoned gardener and wish to take on the challenges, you can try your hand at celery, watermelon, parsnips, leeks, cantaloupe, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, leeks, peas and corns.

5. At the time of planning for your vegetable garden, you must also include the space constraints that certain vegetable plants may impose. Some vegetables can do with minimum space while others may require yards and yards to come good. This gardening tip will help you classify the vegetables by the space that they require to grow. Vegetables that consume maximum space are artichokes (globe), cauliflower, cucumbers, peas, potatoes, winter squash, broccoli, corn, melons and sweet potatoes. Least space consuming vegetable plants are beets, Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, lettuce, radishes, mustard greens, parsnips, beans (bush and pole), carrots, turnips, Swiss chard, leeks, sunflowers, peppers and onions. You must take care while planting these vegetables that you leave enough space for you to move around in the garden.

It is strictly advisable to not to use any chemicals in your vegetable gardens to get rid of weeds and insects. There are several organic methods that can be used without employing chemical herbicides and pesticides. Use of such chemicals kills both the good and harmful bugs in the vegetable garden. Moreover, the chemically exposed vegetables can have severe impact on the consumer health in the long run. You can always make use of a good naturally prepared mulch to get rod of weeds in your garden. 

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Monday, January 7, 2008

Garden Pests - How To Get Rid Of Garden Pests And Keep Your Garden Healthy!

Garden Pests - How To Get Rid Of Garden Pests And Keep Your Garden Healthy! 
By Abhishek 
Whether you are in Hawaii or Arizona, when the topic centers on gardening, one of the tests that gardening lovers commonly face is that of pest control. Even though organic approaches have been always present and have been applied for gardening, controlling bugs in the developed world right from the Second World War has for the most part employed synthetic chemical pesticides to ward off vermin of all sizes and shapes. 

An ever-rising consciousness of the hazards and shortcomings related to chemical pesticides has of late led to an increasing tendency among the gardeners to go back to an organic process when contending with pests.

It is an accepted fact that with all forms of gardening, the use of an organic process can be very successful and reduces costs. It has become progressively simpler to search for numerous hints on the internet that if properly applied will assist in handling the most maddening vermin that break into and damage the garden. 

Collecting information regarding the look, behavior, adversaries, and the life sequence of pests gives gardeners the chance to eliminate destructive insects from the garden, thus allowing only helpful insects to remain in the garden to carry out their work.

In the gardening scenario, controlling pests can be looked upon as being split into diverse yet markedly identical processes. Often, the most straightforward and clear form of assault initially launched in steering clear of the damaging and bothersome dilemma of insects, lies in the actual choice of flowers and vegetables. By combining nature and science, growers of flowers and plants persist in developing the varieties currently existing so that they can withstand disease and insects. With a plethora of plant varieties present that are capable of fighting bugs and diseases, doing a little research and studying the seed labels will ensure good returns.

While the historical and long-established method of crop rotation calls for detailed scheduling and utmost consideration in gardening at home, pest control is hugely benefited by this and further practices that need gardeners to be conscious of insect affinity held out by the garden as the bugs' host and breeding place. 

Getting rid of damaged plants, developing the soil, snipping, and placing strong posts to support plants off the ground, comprise the organic culture practice that aids in restraining diseases and pests.

Frequently in the organic form of gardening, a simple means of controlling pests is the physical extraction and destruction of bugs from vegetables, flowers, and plants. Undoubtedly, the use of hands and footwear forms a successful though repugnant approach to most queasy gardeners with delicate bellies.

It is apparent with organic gardening, controlling pests by giving serious thought to the plants cultivated, garden spot, and the bugs involved will bring about prosperous and profuse gardens from Hawaii to Arizona. 

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Landscape Gardening Apprenticeship

Landscape Gardening Apprenticeship - 12 Basics You Should Know About Landscape Gardening Apprentices
By Abhishek 
We will go into the purpose behind taking up and completing apprenticeship in landscape gardening in this article. We will also detail the requirements for taking up landscaping professionally.

What to expect after completing apprenticeship in landscape gardening?

If you look around, you will find many amateur landscapers that take up small time commercial or residential landscaping projects. They are also professionals in their own capacity, however, are not considered as qualified landscape architects. 

One needs to undergo an extensive degree program to specialize in landscaping, and post-completion he/she is considered a certified landscape architect qualified to take up any huge commercial or public project. One can also opt for apprenticeship in landscape gardening to qualify for professional certification. 

No Easy Task

Please be aware that finishing an apprenticeship in landscape gardening is no easy affair. The landscape apprentice is always a working landscaper and is usually assigned most dirtiest and difficult tasks involved in landscaping. This is to help the apprentice learn about the art from all the perspectives from start till the end. 

It is quite normal for an apprentice to be seen digging holes, lifting heavy equipments, indulging in severe physical labor irrespective of weather conditions and handling all types of chemicals on the field. There is no better way for a landscaper to improve his art than getting down to the nitty-gritty of each manual task. He/she must also be efficient in mathematical calculations and possess good eyesight necessary to operate the landscaping machines.


1.The apprenticeship in landscape gardening covers various terrains to gain in depth experience and knowledge.

2.Apprentices are taught the essential distinguishing factors between the commercial, residential and public landscaping.

3.The apprenticeship also covers interior and exterior garden designing and planning.

4.Apprentices are taught the importance and usage of various landscaping equipments and their appropriate application in specific projects.

5.Apprentices are taught in detail about various soil types.

6.They also learn the science behind the plants and trees growth, texture and sizes.

7.They are also acquainted with different methods of pruning, thinning and the varieties of sods.

8.Apprentices are also taught about the legal, environmental and licensing aspects.

9.Apprentices who are preparing to turn landscape architects are taught about the site analysis and surveys.

10.They are also taught about different landscaping software and their application in drawing effective plans. The same is taught with hand too.

11.Apprentices hone their artistic skills by learning how to present the plants in a landscape in a beautiful way.

12.Different view perspectives are also taught to the apprentices.

The Program

Completing an apprenticeship in landscape gardening is a four-year affair and there are several schools all over the world offering such degree programs. Please know that the qualified landscape architects are considered most professionally able people in their field and work on mega projects like designing public gardens, zoos and theme parks. They are often employed by corporate sector also to handle huge commercial landscaping projects. 

In most instances, a professional landscaper would have completed his apprenticeship in landscape gardening. In case you are planning to employ a professional landscaper, you must make sure that he is professionally certified and skilled to deliver the desired results. Considering the extensive training that a professional landscaper receives during his/her apprenticeship, he/she will be worth every penny spent. 

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