Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Preventing Rose Disease - 5 Tips To Understanding And Preventing Gardening Rose Disease!

Preventing Rose Disease - 5 Tips To Understanding And Preventing Gardening Rose Disease! 
By Abhishek 
The major concern expressed by many rose gardeners is related to preventing disease. Gardening roses takes a lot of commitment, hard work and patience. One will need to bring all his gardening skills into play to ensure healthy rose bushes. Prevention and treatment of the diseases is an integral part of cultivating the perfect rose garden brimming with mesmerizing roses.

If you are a skillful and innovative gardener, cultivating healthy roses will not be a very difficult task for you. Gardening roses requires a good eye for details and knowledge enough to see you through the problems as they happen. Such knowledge will also come to your aid in the prevention of diseases. Following are some handy tips for prevention of rose related diseases.

1. Have proper spacing - You must ensure good air ventilation for all your rose plants. To make this possible, you should keep enough spacing between the plants to allow air to circulate properly. Rose plants with poor air ventilation can easily catch diseases.

2. Watering in the morning - It is important that you water your rose plants in the morning. This will enable the water to evaporate during the day. On the contrary, watering the rose plants in the evening can cause powdery mildew resulting in growth of fungus and diseases.

3. Keep Regular check - You must examine your rose garden on a regular basis so that you can catch any disease as it happens in the first stage itself. Treating any type of rose disease is easy if caught in the initial stages.

4. Cut off the infected branches - You must make sure that you cut off all the infected branches or leaves as soon as you spot the disease. This will help significantly in checking the spread of the disease. 

5. Treat the infected rose plants - There are various kinds of off-the-shelf products available in the market to treat the rose diseases. They can be very effective in the treatment of diseases such as powdery mildew, rose mosaic or the black spots. You can also check for some home remedies available. If you are an environment friendly gardener, you can look out for a lot of good organic medicines available for the treatment of rose gardening diseases. 

How to determine that your roses are suffering from a disease?

A lot of rose gardeners have questions regarding spotting the rose diseases on time. Following are some of the common rose diseases along with their symptoms. Once you know the type of infection, you can treat it more effectively.

Black Spot - Black spots are more prominent and common in cooler environs and wet weather conditions. If you can see circular black spots on your roses with fringed margins, it is the black spot disease in all probability.

Rust - Contrary to black spots, rust develops in high temperatures of around 65-75 degrees. It normally appears as rust on the underside of the rose plant leaves. With time and lack of care, it also starts showing up on the upper side of the leaves.

Powdery Mildew - It is a type of fungus that can grow in both dry or wet weather. It characterized by the appearance of talcum powder like substance on the rose plant leaves. 

Rose Mosaic - This disease is a result of a virus infection. On its occurrence, you will observe splotches of green or yellow in a mosaic form on the leaves of the rose plant. 

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Gardening Tips - 5 Amazing Gardening Tips To Make Heads Turn!

Gardening Tips - 5 Amazing Gardening Tips To Make Heads Turn! 
By Abhishek 
People who are passionate about gardening are always working hard to make their gardens look even better than before. Any type of garden is wonderful to look at or to stroll in and gardening is an equally pleasurable hobby practiced all over the world. As the weather changes during the fall season and we are about to experience the chill of the windy cold nights, there are many tasks that need to be completed in your garden to have them ready for the following season.

1. If you still can't spot any frost in your garden yet, it may just be the right time to start planting few flowers, trees and shrubs. In case your garden bears a quite forlorn look post the blooming season, follow the following tips and your garden will remain full of life the entire year.

2. Gardens that are looking a little bare right now only require some mums and pansies to smarten things up. You can take assistance of some modern annuals that will have plants blooming until frost in your garden. As mentioned earlier, fall is also the most appropriate time to plant perennials, shrubs, trees and spring bulbs. Among these varieties, the trees and shrubs must be in place by the early fall to help them acclimatize before the winters onslaught. 

Some plant species that can withstand the cold winter season are deciduous shrubs, crabapple trees, honey locust and hawthorn. Birch, willows and oak are the tree types that must either be planted in early spring or early fall. 

3. People that get bored with the same look of their gardens can look for new designer avenues during the fall as it is the best time to dig out plants and move them to different places in the garden. If deciduous trees or shrubs are also in your shifting plan, you must pay heed to the following points.

4. In order to maintain stable growth in your garden, it is advisable to spare trees and shrubs the move until the fall season. You can go about transplantation of trees during their dormant phase, which normally starts from fall and lasts until early spring. You must take good care while moving the trees as their root balls are usually pretty heavy and would require external help. 

Also be sure to have the new location of the tree properly dug up before hand so that the tree can be directly placed there without any delay. The shrubs are also moved the same way as trees. You'll be amazed to see the difference that such movements can bring about to the visual appeal of your gardens.

5. There is a separate set of instructions to be followed while you are planning a similar move for the perennials. This is due to their different growing and dormancy seasons. The right time to move the herbaceous plants or the woody perennials that are not produced out of bulbs, tubes or corns, is the early spring when one starts noticing fresh growth. There are a few other types of shrubs that should ideally be moved prior to the new growth. In case you are unsure about all such details, you can have them from your nearest gardening center. 

If followed well, all the above-mentioned gardening tips will ensure that your gardens sport that prized look throughout the year. 

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Container Flower Gardening - Understanding The Advantages Of Container Flower Gardening

Container Flower Gardening - Understanding The Advantages Of Container Flower Gardening
By Abhishek
In case you do not have adequate space for a decent outdoor garden, there is no need to lose sleep. More and more people are being lured by the container flower gardening process and you too, can join this trend.

Moreover, this kind of gardening is not the sole domain of the upwardly mobile city dwellers. In fact, even people having extensive outdoor gardens, wish to make elegant their interiors with the use of attractive shades and scents and most gardeners set off their open-air garden with an al fresco container garden, either to beautify the area or to thwart some charming, but undesirable, plants that tend to damage and overrun their garden associates. Now, container gardens are a means to grow plants inside your home since the external environment is not conducive to their growth.

In addition, container flower gardening gives you the benefit of keeping a fresh and vibrant flower arrangement throughout the gardening season. When a specific plant variety is in bloom, you can smugly exhibit it in its attractive container in all its glory; and once the flowers begin to fade, you can carry off the container and put back another flower holder, brimming with plants in bud.

The container flower gardening technique is just right to manage perennials that have to last their life cycle, from blossoming to fading away and repeating the process all over again. Cheerfully place them prominently shown when in season, but take them away and put them in a remote corner when they are through with their flowering season. When they revive and brighten up, they take center stage once again! In this fashion, it is possible for you to make over your garden whenever you feel like it.

Customarily, the best selection of containers to be used for container flower gardening are wooden drum, planter boxes, flowerpots, and hanging baskets.

However, there is no firm and fast rule regarding the need to tread the traditional path; you can give free rein to your imagination! In fact, gardeners have availed of plastic milk pitchers, transparent plastic bottles, or milk cartons, making perforations in them for drainage and bedecking them with wrapping paper, foil, or any other multihued object. Buckets manufactured from any material, can be utilized, as also baskets and strong fabrics such as canvas or denim (which need to be lined).

Another possibility is to line the base of cookie jars with small stones and wire net to ensure proper drainage and these can be used as containers, and you can cover the wire net with peat moss in order to create a hanging container for plants. There are people who have also employed abandoned bathtubs!

Basically you can draw on almost anything to be utilized as a planter in container gardening. However, you need to address the requirements of plants, which make this container, their dwelling place. Every container should be fitted with drainage holes.

In addition, you should find out how deep the roots of a specific plant tend to grow, as well as the manner in which they grow and select a most suitable container. For instance, the roots of a strawberry plant do not go very deep and they do not require big containers, but since their roots tend to spread out, they require a wide container.

Ensure your container can suitably handle the problem of expanding ice-covered soil in case you reside in cold clime. If you are considering planting a sizeable, heavy flower, in a container to be set outdoors, ensure the container is heavily built so that it is not turned over by a strong breeze.

Also give due consideration to the materials used and the colors displayed in a container, and what they so indicate. Now, darkly shaded containers take in considerable heat and this may result in the soil becoming parched. It is preferable that you grow plants in containers with pale colors, or else keenly observe the water needs of any plant kept in a darkly colored container.

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Landscape Gardening Career - Should You Take Up Landscape Gardening As A Viable Career?

Landscape Gardening Career - Should You Take Up Landscape Gardening As A Viable Career?
By Abhishek
Did you ever entertain thoughts of a career in landscape gardening? In line with industry forecasts, jobs in this field are poised to grow rapidly. Despite the fact that landscape gardening is deemed an industry with terrific returns since a great deal of the activity is carried out by individuals engaged in other occupations, it is anticipated that a rising requirement for services in the landscaping industry will have a positive effect on the growth rate. In case you are keen on it, then a career in landscaping is always there for the taking.

Jobs in landscape gardening entail working in different work settings. Landscape gardeners help redesign the gardens of private residences and they at times work inside such homes. They may operate in shopping plazas, business surroundings, industrial settings and in educational institutions and hospitals. Although the workplaces differ and certain amount of the work needs to done indoors, a majority of jobs in landscape gardening necessitate working outdoors.

Being a landscape specialist, you will be required to undertake a diversity of chores to facilitate the creation and preservation of indoor and outdoor gardens against varied backdrops. To perform your tasks effectively, you will need a large assortment of implements and varied types of appliances. Taking into account your place of work, you might have to operate on weekends in order to steer clear of clients or have any kind of public contact during the scheduled working hours.

However, not all persons who take up landscape gardening offers work for businesses that are into landscaping and horticultural services. For instance, in the U.S., a fewer than 30% of people working on landscape gardening assignments are actually engaged by these businesses. Most of the landscape gardeners work for institutions, businesses, or organizations like schools, hospitals, parks, municipal administration, entertainment, and leisure facilities. Nearly 20% of people who are a part of the landscape garden industry work for themselves.

In addition to a diversity of work sites, jobs in landscape gardening are a means of keeping fit and the ability to enjoy the clean fresh air. Jobs in landscape gardening are advertised in the classified pages of newspapers as well as put up on the jobs notice board of employment agencies. Details regarding these jobs are exchanged through casual conversations or gossip. If you are putting in your application for the job of a landscape gardener, your curriculum vitae should prominently underline your expert abilities in using various tools together with your dexterity and years of practice in handling particular kinds of plants or gardening.

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